ArcGIS ESRI software
Software for collection, management, spatial analysis of vector and raster data and their publication.
Software for collection, management, spatial analysis of vector and raster data and their publication.
TGM WRI, p.r.i., provides information pursuant to Acts No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, as amended, and No. 123/1998 Coll., on the right to environmental information, as amended, and to the extent given by the obligations arising from the cited laws, if TGM WRI apply.
IN: 00020711
TIN: CZ00020711
Bank account numbers: CZK: 32931061/0100, EUR: CZ5401000001232888750267
TGM WRI, p.r.i., provides information pursuant to Acts No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, as amended, and No. 123/1998 Coll., on the right to environmental information, as amended, and to the extent given by the obligations arising from the cited laws, if TGM WRI apply.
IN: 00020711
TIN: CZ00020711
Bank account numbers: CZK: 32931061/0100, EUR: CZ5401000001232888750267
TGM WRI, p.r.i., provides information pursuant to Acts No. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information, as amended, and No. 123/1998 Coll., on the right to environmental information, as amended, and to the extent given by the obligations arising from the cited laws, if TGM WRI apply.
IN: 00020711
TIN: CZ00020711
Bank account numbers: CZK: 32931061/0100, EUR: CZ5401000001232888750267