Advisory bodies of the Director
In accordance with the TGM WRI Organizational Rules, the Advisory Bodies of the Director are the TGM WRI Scientific Board, the TGM WRI editorial bodies, and the committees established by the Director. The editorial bodies include the TGM WRI Editorial Board, the Editorial Board of Vodohospodářské technicko-ekonomické informace journal (VTEI, Water Management Technical and Economical Information), and the TGM WRI Scientific Editorial Staff.
TGM WRI Scientific Board
The TGM WRI Scientific Board is the Director’s advisory body which prepares opinions on fundamental, professional, conceptual, and organizational issues of the institute. The members of the Board and its chairperson are appointed by the Director.
TGM WRI Editorial Board
The TGM WRI Editorial Board is the Director’s advisory body which manages and directs TGM WRI publishing activities and ensures the quality of the published outputs. The position of the Board, its tasks, and its own activities are determined by a separate internal regulation. The members of the Board and its chairman are appointed and dismissed by the Director. The current members of the TGM WRI Editorial Board are:
- Ing. Libor Ansorge, Ph.D. – chairman
- Ing. Adam Beran, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jiří Kučera
- RNDr. Diana Marešová, Ph.D.
- Ing. Miloš Rozkošný, Ph.D.
- Ing. Josef Nistler
- Mgr. Aleš Zbořil
Editorial Board of the journal Vodohospodářské technicko-ekonomické informace (VTEI)
The Editorial Board of VTEI journal is the Director’s advisory body which directs the content of the magazine with regard to the latest trends in water management research and oversees the quality of the published outputs. The position of the Board, its tasks, and its own activities are determined by a separate internal regulation. The members of the Board from among experts of TGM WRI, as well as from important external institutions, are appointed and dismissed by the Director. The current members of the Editorial Board of VTEI journal are:
- Ing. Libor Ansorge, Ph.D. – chairman
- RNDr. Jan Daňhelka, Ph.D.
- doc. Dr. Ing. Pavel Fošumpaur
- doc. Ing. Silvie Heviánková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Róbert Chriašteľ
- Mgr. Vít Kodeš, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jiří Kučera
- Ing. Martin Pavel
- Ing. Jana Poórová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Hana Sezimová, Ph.D.
- Dr. Ing. Antonín Tůma
- Mgr. Lukáš Záruba
- Ing. Marcela Zrubková, Ph.D.
TGM WRI Scientific Editorial Staff
The TGM WRI Scientific Editorial Staff is the Director’s advisory body which guarantees the professional level and quality of non-periodical publications and outputs published by TGM WRI, and ensures the expertise and quality of articles published in the VTEI journal. It participates in the creation of the TGM WRI publishing policy. The position of the Board, its tasks, and its own activities are determined by a separate internal regulation. The members of the Editorial Staff from among external experts from important scientific institutions are appointed and dismissed by the Director. The current members of the TGM WRI Scientific Editorial Staff are:
- prof. Ing. Radka Kodešová, CSc. – chairwoman
- prof. Ing. Martin Hanel, Ph.D.
- prof. RNDr. Bohumír Janský, CSc.
- RNDr. Petr Kubala
- Ing. Tomáš Mičaník, Ph.D.
- Ing. Michael Trnka, CSc.
- Dr. rer. nat. Slavomír Vosika
Committees established by the Director
The committees are established by the Director as his advisory bodies as required. He stipulates the composition of the committee, its chairman (if necessary, also the secretary), mission, competence, and rules of procedure. Minutes shall be taken of the committee’s meetings. The proposals for decision-making stated in the meeting minutes serve as a basis for the Director’s decisions, or for the meeting of the Director’s board of trustees, or operational meetings.