Agricultural Water Management Journal
Adam Vizina as a co-author of the article in a prestigious journal on future irrigation water requirements for agricultural crop commodities in Czechia
Adam Vizina as a co-author of the article in a prestigious journal on future irrigation water requirements for agricultural crop commodities in Czechia
Press release on the issue of epidemiological monitoring of wastewater
In Brno, there are currently perhaps more people infected than in the worst state of the pandemic in March, says Hana Zvěřinová Mlejnková for Seznam Zprávy server (in Czech)
Main topic: Water quality and state of aquatic invertebrate populations in small watercourses in Prague
Focused on clients, their needs and effective obtaining of information, says Tomáš Hrdinka about the new website
An article by Martin Straka et al. in a prestigious journal on biodrying in streams in Central Europe
Adam Vizina spoke about the online prediction system for drought management HAMR in the live input of the Studio ČT24 (at 1:02:50, in Czech)