VTEI journal, library services
VTEI, Vodohospodářské technicko-ekonomické informace (Water Management Technical and Economical Information), is a peer-reviewed journal published continuously by TGM WRI since 1959; it has been re-published as a self-contained and respected modern magazine since 2015. Boasting a new graphic design, the journal is listed in the List of peer-reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic, approved by the Research, Development and Innovation Council. he magazine is published 6 times a year in printed and electronic versions, the current issue of the magazine in the Czech language can be found here. The journal has been published in English since 2022, the version of which can be found here, and the archive of issues published so far is available in PDF format here. If you are interested in publishing your contribution in the VTEI journal, you can find the guidelines for authors here. If you are interested in a printed version of the VTEI journal, subscribe to our journal here. We also offer professional library services, including searching through our online catalogue and an extensive collection of specialist Czech and foreign periodicals.